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Run Archery Trial Event

Sat, 14 Sept


Harwell Campus

Our first attempt at a run archery SPRINT please bear with!

Registration enquiries by email only to please
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Run Archery Trial Event
Run Archery Trial Event

Time & Location

14 Sept 2024, 09:00 – 17:00

Harwell Campus, OX11 0GD

About the event

Thomson Avenue, Harwell Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0GD

Rounds:     Run Archery - SPRINT

Assembly:     11:30 am; Heats of 6 archers to commence from 11.45.

Entry Fee:     All entries: £8.00

Judges:     Graham Pink, Siobhan Tyson.

Awards:    By age group and gender as appropriate

Please enter online via our website

Entry fees should be paid by BACS transfer to:

Harlequin Bowmen    Sort code: 30-93-93    Account No: 00097432  Reference: “RUN-Surname”

Guidance on rules for run archery can be found here:

Bowtypes:  Compound bows are NOT eligible for run archery; All other bow types recognised by WA are acceptable, but accessories (other than back harness) must not project more than 10 cm in front of the bow. Bows are to be carried around the run in hand, or on a harness. Arrows will be kept at the shooting line. Bows are subject to inspection by judges prior to the event.

Dress:  Although this is not a Record Status shoot, we encourage you to follow GNAS dress regulations (Rule 307).

Refreshments:   Light refreshments including bacon rolls, burgers, cake, and hot and cold drinks, will be available.

Photography:  In view of the provisions of the GNAS Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy, those who wish to take photographs or video at this event are to register with the Tournament Organiser on arrival. No unauthorised photography will be permitted.

Disclaimer:  We will be running this event for the first time and will endeavour to meet the requirements for record-status  through the event. Feedback/advice upon conclusion of the shoot will be welcomed.

Data:  We will be collecting data in order to process your application. By sending your entry in you are giving us permission to use this data for the purposes of this competition only. Your personal details will be deleted upon completion. We will NOT share your data with others. Results will be published showing names, club affiliations and bow-types along with scores.

Please tick the relevant box on the online entry form if you would also be happy for us to store your details for the purposes of advertising our future events to you in late 2024/2025.

Liability:  Harlequin Bowmen and the Harwell Laboratories Recreational Association cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury howsoever caused.

Dogs:  Dogs are strictly prohibited on the archery field.

Run Archery Have-a-go:

We will be inviting local running clubs to join us on the day for 30 minutes of archery training with club bows, followed by a trial RUN-archery SPRINT event for runners. This will take place in advance of the posted times above.

Please be aware, on arrival, that archery may therefore be taking place on the field as you arrive.

Marshalls (in high-vis jackets/yellow club tops) will control

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